Out of Character

*thinking emoji*

I dislike writing fanfiction characters who are ooc. At the very least, if it’s going to be an AU they would have a semblance of their actual characteristics and personality shown in the story still.

So writing this third prompt fic is a challenge, as I’ve got characters I’m not familiar with but want to incorporate them into the story.

The woes of writing fanfictions I suppose, is not being able to capture the right and true essence of the characters involved when you’re new to them. That, and a lot of research needs to be done instead *sighing emoji*

Live Writing (and other Stories)

The months that’s passed has been nothing but me being an unproductive lump on the bed. And I’ve said this too many times before, so I’ll stop it right there.

So far in the past twelve days of July, I’ve managed to wring out about 4000 words of fiction; fanfiction, original stories and the like. It’s been a jumbled mess of different ideas and various inspirations, the sudden need to write this story and then right after that one. Juggling all that was difficult for a very long time, but I seem to have found a system in writing all and not just one?

On the post’s title, it’s something that came to my mind while I’m typing this (and writing out a short something too). I’ve seen people done live drawings before over the internet, when random people would make comments on the chat group while the artist works on their canvas. It looked fun and I wonder if the same concept can be applied to writing. You’d watch words come to life, how a writer paints their picture through the alphabet; a story in the making, literally.

(Could be boring all the same though.)

Hmm, what else was there? Oh yes! I had a short twitter conversation with one of my favourite authors! It wasn’t really much, just a quick comment being responded back and forth. Still, it seems unreal that I actually had a conversation with him (Mark Lawrence, author of the Broken Empire series for anyone curious).

It’s not all that I have to say and tell, but better to put those thoughts into posts of their own. So till my next post, I guess~

Quick Writings

What’s a better word than quick writings? I mean you have quick sketches and quick drafts; what about writings? Quick stories? Quick pieces?

I’ve been making a lot of those really. Impromptu stories, short and descriptive ones that are mostly based off of different fandom posts on tumblr or prompts made by writing blogs. It’s nice being able to work my creative gears like that. Although, it doesn’t really help my long term stories.

But hey, I’m writing again. That’s a victory in and of itself.

Ooh! And I’ve also got some photoshop edits done. They’re visual pieces often accompanied by a story caption.

Hope this creative streak lasts for a long while, it’d be great to get some work done finally.